Wynn Williams is a full-service law firm with one of the strongest dispute resolution teams in New Zealand. Our lawyers are nationally and internationally recognised in Legal 500 and Chambers& Partners. We offer the following half day training session in Auckland and Christchurch: 16th April in Auckland & 30th April, Christchurch
8.45-9am Registration & Welcome
9.10-10.00am Session One: The corporate trustee safety net Ñ the benefits and detriments of appointing corporate trustees from a director liability perspective
¥ Trust structuring do's and don'ts.
¥ If a corporate trustee commits a breach of trust where does the liability fall?
¥ Derivative actions. ¥ A review of the case law, here and abroad.
10.00-10.50am Session Two: Sham and non-existent trusts post-Pugachev and Clayton
¥ What is the law on sham trusts in England, Australia and New Zealand?
¥ Is there a difference in approach between jurisdictions?
¥ For New Zealand based trusts when does a settlor have too much power?
¥ Can you 'correct the imbalance' and conjure up a trust?
11.10-12noonSession Three: Who should pay, and when?
¥ The appropriate categorisation of trust proceedings.
¥ Beddoe applications
¥ Navigating the correct procedural path.
¥ Tips for applicants and respondents.
12noon-12.40pm Session Four: Practical problems
¥ A series of case studies will be discussed by the group
12.40-1.30pm: Training concludes and light lunch served
Full details for each session can be found here:
If you would like to register for any of these sessions please visit our website wynnwilliams.co.nz and register online or email marketing@wynnwilliams.co.nz